Department of ECE
P Kishor Kumar
Assistant Professor Department of ECE
Mr P Kishor Kumar, is currently Assistant Professor in, Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Ravindra College of engineering for women, Kurnool. He has about 12 years of experience in teaching. He has published research papers in journals of both International and National repute and also presented many papers in International and National Conferences. He holds M.Tech from St.Johns College of Engineering&Technology, yemmiganur, JNTU Ananthapur. His areas of interests include RF MEMS,antennas , Microwave Theory and Electromagnetics.
- Pursuing PhD (ECE) from Mohan Babu University, Tirupathi
- MTech (ecE) JNTUA, Anatapuramu
- BTech KTMCE, Telangana
- P.kishor, S deepika, L priyanka presented a paper on “Wireless sensor network based on IOT for air pollution monitoring” at the International IEEE Conference PARC-2024, organized by GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India from 23rd – 24th February, 2024.
- Vanitha V1, P Kishor Kumar2, Y. Sreenivasulu3, Ruchira Rawat4, S. Ramesh5, Jogendra Kumar6 presented a paper on “Design and Development of S-Shaped Antenna for Wireless Networks” at the IEEE International Conference ICECA-2023, organized by the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, RVS technical campus, Coimbatore, during 22nd-24th November, 2023.
- M radhika, P kishor kumar published a Research Paper on “TRIANGULAR SHAPE ANTENNA LOADED WITH meta material backed with mata surface” in UGC CARE Listed (Group -I) Journal Volume 11, Iss 8, 2022, organized by IJFANS.
- K Prasad, P. Kishore Kumar “Design and Investigation of the Performance of Composite Spiral Antenna for Direction Finding Applications” in Modern Approaches in Machine Learning and Cognitive Science: A Walkthrough, Studies in Computational Intelligence 956, volume-1, issue-1,, Aug-2021.
- P. Kishore Kumar, M. Radhika, Prasad K, “Metamaterial Inspired Triangular Shape Antenna Loaded with Metasurface” presented at TISDS-2020, Dec-15-16, 2020, ISBN 978-93-90214-05-1.
- P. Kishore Kumar, K. Vijay “Design of compact Broadband Bowtie patch antenna with Circularly Polarized” at CRATE-2020.
- K. Vijay, P. Kishore Kumar, K V Siva Reddy “Detection of Target and Implementation using PIR Sensor and Seismic” at CRATE-2020.
- P. Kishore Kumar, K. Vijay “Recognition & Identification of Automatic Face-Name Detection by using Spectral Graph Matching Algorithm” published in IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 6, Issue 12, 2019, ISSN (online): 2321-0613.
- P. Kishore Kumar, M. Radhika, K. Vijay, “Analysis of a Single Shorted Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for 50Ω Microstrip Line Feed” in International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726, Volume 8 Issue 10 Series. I, October 2019, pp 08-14.
- P. Kishore Kumar, K Anil Kumar “Directional Antenna Design and Simulation for Millimetre Wave Mobile Communication”, published in IJTRD, ISSN: 2394-9333,, RIET-2017 on 15th & 16th Dec-17.
- P. Kishore Kumar, K. Vijay, G. Srinivasulu “A Novel Approach for Detection of Adaptive Vehicle in Complex Environmental Fields” in IJAETMAS, ISSN: 2349-3224,, Volume 03 – Issue 07, July 2016, pp. 20-28.
- P. Kishore Kumar, K. Vijay, K. Vanitha “Cognitive radio networks performance comparison in different channels”, IJERMT, volume 3, issue 3, March -2014, pISSN: 2278-9359.
- P. Kishore Kumar, M. Radhika, M. Jyothirmai “Using Genetic Algorithm Image Retrieval Based on Multi-Feature Similarity Score Fusion” in IOSR (IOSR-JECE), e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735. Volume 9, Issue 2, Ver. I (Mar – Apr. 2014), PP 00-00.