Department of CSE
Dr. K.Kavitha
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
K. Kavitha is currently working as Assoc. Professor in the department of computer science & Engineering at Ravindra College of Engineering for Women, Kurnool. She has 18 years of experience in teaching field.
- PhD (CSE) KL University, Vijayawada
- MTech (CSE), Aurora’s Technological and research Institute, JNTUH.
- Unsupervised image transformation for long wave infrared and visual image matching using two channel convolutional autoencoder network, International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, Vol. 14, issue1, pp. 63-83, Jan 2024.
- An overview of deep learning methods for image registration with focus on feature-based approaches, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 2020•Taylor & Francis
- Evaluation of distance measures for feature based image registration using alexnet, arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.12921, 2019
- Secret sharing of an image with validation and security by using gray scale document, IJSETR, 2013, ISSN 2319-8885, vol.2, issue 9, pp 2258-2264
- Monitoring of diabetes with data mining via CART method, IJETAE, 2012, ISSN 2250-2459, vol 2 issue 11, pp. 157-162
- VIBE: background detection and subtraction for image sequences in video, IJCSIT, 2012, ISSN 0975-9646, vol 3, issue 5, pp 5223- 5226
- Buffer space allocation with attributes for data management system, IJRECS sep -oct 2014-ISSN 2321-5485, pp. 1359-1363
- Employing public nets data to actual movement observing – IJITR vol.4, issue-5, aug sep-2016, pp. 3505-3507, ISSN 2320-5547
- Adopting a resiliency scrutiny for cloud oriented recital matrices- IJITR vol.4, issue-5, aug sep-2016, pp. 3511-3513, ISSN 2320-5547
- Key word based mining on twitter- International Journal of Research-Vol.2 issue-12 , Dec-2015, ISSN 2348-6848
- Efficient access of cloud storage with confidentiality by RASP data perturbation-IJR, vol.2, issue-10, oct-2015, ISSN-2348-6848
- Recommendations on web page using domain knowledge and web usage mining for personalization, IJR, 2012.
- “Susie: search using services and information extraction using nlp” in IJMETMR vol. 5, issue-12, ISSN. 2348-4845
Conferences Papers
- Selection of Distance Measure for Visual and Long Wave Infrared Image Region Similarity using CNN Features, International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2023), Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier. (accepted)
- Hybrid Loss Functions for Infrared and Visible Patch Matching using Siamese CNN, 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)
- Enhancing the image using fuzzy edge detection method in digital image processing, international conference on recent trends in engineering and technology, published in JES Vol. 11, Issue2, FEB/2020 ISSN NO:0377-9254.
- Analysis and comparative study on machine learning algorithm for prediction of blood pressure, International conf. on emerging trends in commerce, management, languages science & technology held on 25th &26th Nov 2022.
- Business analytics and data mining Modeling using R by NPTEL
- Software Project Management by NPTEL
- Deep Learning by NPTEL
- Recognised as Reviewer for Scopus indexed Q2 journal -International journal of Artificial Intelligence.
- Social networks-NPTEL mentor certificate.
- User centric computing for human- computer interaction, NPTEL Mentor.